Friday, March 20, 2009

mandy's room

finally, a new post! a couple weekends ago i stumbled upon this treasure of a room! it's twinkling lights and warm glow made me feel like i was part of a fairy tale. i fell in love with the branches entwined with little dotted lights - the way they creep up to the ceiling and cast shadows around the room. i love the shade of the lamp with its crystals and the little ornaments scattered on the dresser. i love the chest of drawers with their delicate carvings and shiny handles and the soft white of the bedspread...what's not to love??

All of it has been beautifully put together by the lovely Mandy! Thank you for letting me shoot your room - i'm looking forward to coming back to do the rest of the house! Let me know what you think!

room at large

fairy lights

chest of drawers

the bed

candle stick

the lamp

candle + bird


  1. How pretty - what a magical looking room. Love the pictures of the silver candle. I think the candle stick is my favourite - really like how you have the lights behind it. That linen looks so soft! Great job.
    Nice room Mandy - hugs:)

  2. like i said, when are you coming over to do MY place???

  3. Sweety, it's gorgeous!
    You made it look like a princess room.
    I'm very impressed (as always)
    See you soon!

    Love Mandy

  4. lovely details!
    thank you for visiting my blog!


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